Moving to the Rockies? What You Need to Know About Rockfall Mitigation – Interstate Moving Company

This is so designers can put a protective mesh over in the middle of the slop. It is done to keep all debris or rocks from falling onto the road.

Despite all the efforts we make the risk of rockfall remains something that we can prevent. Rockfall occurs on its own and will continue to happen even after we’ve gone. However, we can place precautions in order to prevent the rock from falling to the side of the road and not to the side of the road hindering the flow of the flow of traffic.

Take a look at the video to learn more!

If you’re planning to move towards the Rockies you need to understand rockfall mitigation. What it is, and why this is important. The video below explains the steps involved in rockfall mitigation. This preventive action can make sure that rockfalls don’t hit cars because they are kept off the edges of mountains. The agency of the state is responsible for this fascinating process. The loose debris and rocks are swept from the mountain using ropes and workers. After the debris has been taken away, the location is assessed and mesh is used to prevent the debris from falling over the road. The Colorado Department of Transportation has a video that will explain the entire process of how to protect motorists on the I70 Mountain corridor. This is a must-see to anyone moving to or currently living in the Rockies. You will be amazed at how much work goes into making the roads safer. There are many safety precautions taken along I-70.

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