Keep yourself out of danger. The video presents a risky scenario. Police were dispatched to assist a woman in Florida who was found with a knife inside a Walmart. You can watch the video and find out what happened next.
Officers of the police always strive to settle situations so they don’t let it escalate into something potentially dangerous. The female in the video seems to have no issue dealing with the situation. Asked by the police officer to surrender her knife, she gazed at the officer. This created a hazardous situation for police and the others. At any moment, the woman could make an unpredictably bad decision and choose to stabbing anyone or herself. The officer had to think quickly. The woman became caught up in his backup just a second. He grabbed his Taser gun from the back and shot. The woman quickly slumped onto the floor after firing the taser. The officers were able to securely handcuff the woman so that she would not harm anyone else. If she was released on bail, officers could suggest bail bond services.